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Challenge yourself and reap the dividends!


Recently, I decided that physically it was necessary to challenge myself more. This morning I put that decision into action. What did I do? I blew the dust off of my weighted vest and hit the Trail!

To give you some background, my weekly exercise regime consists of cardiovascular training and strength training in addition to eating nutritiously, all of which improves my health span. Using the weighted vest improves posture, spine health, increases the number of calories burned, improves strength, balance, and proprioception. It also increases muscle size and definition.

The first quarter of a mile of the Trail is asphalt. At that point, I can either stay on the asphalt or hike on what I refer to as the "soil" Trail. The soil Trail is much more challenging than the asphalt portion because of the elevations. Another decision presented itself at that point whether to stay on the asphalt or hike the soil Trail. I took the soil Trail. I was apprehensive at first, but then reminded myself that I decide how far I will hike. I am a big advocate of listening to the message the body is conveying and trust that message. If I don't try how would I know?

It was the right decision for my body. The outcome was fantastic! It was invigorating physically and mentally.

I maintained an average pace, but because I was wearing the weighted vest I was burned 34.25% more calories during my workout. The calorie burn is one indicator that my body was working more strenuously. It was a good heart workout. Regardless of the exercise in which we are engaging, our age, the number of times we work out weekly, the question to ask ourselves, for our own benefit and well-being, is "Am I challenging myself?" Are you listening to your body or are your thoughts the ruler? Do we want to stop because our bodies are communicating that message or do we want to quit because our minds are saying enough is enough?

Approaching our workouts, activity levels, exercise, whatever you want to call it, the bottom line is moving is crucial. Our bodies are made to move. Be good to yourself!

Share what you have experienced as it relates to challenging yourself appropriately. I would love to hear from you! My email is

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